D&D Tip of the Day

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Reach Weapons Redux

So apparently soft cover does apply to reach weapons.

Q: You determine cover with a reach weapon using the rules for ranged weapons. In the errata it says that cover from creatures (referred to as soft cover) only applies to ranged weapons. Does this mean that soft cover does or does not apply to weapons with reach?

A: Wait a minute, this was the question for 08/02! That's right, and the answer we provided was wrong, wrong, wrong. For which, we apologize -- and extend the following, correct answer (courtesy of R&D's Andy Collins):

For purposes of determining cover, melee reach attacks use the rules for ranged attacks. Thus, soft cover applies to melee reach attacks (since it normally applies to ranged attacks).

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Back Up in Your Ass With a Resurrection

Interesting Q&A from the D&D 3.5 edition FAQ:

Q: If you cast resurrection on dragon hide armor, does the dragon come back to life.

A: Yes. The resurrection spell states that "so long as some small portion of the creature's body still exists, it can be resurrected" and that "the condition of the remains is not a factor."

The FAQ goes on to state that similar effets could apply to any object crafted from part of a living creature e.g., leather/hide armor, boar tusk necklace, fur cloak.

Makes ya go Hmmmmm!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Random Name Generator

"The old villager tells you his name... you instantly forget what he said it was."

Friday, August 04, 2006

Reach weapons

Just learned something new on the Ask Wizards page.

Apparently, you only treat reach weapons the same as ranged weapons for the purpose of actual cover. Soft cover, such as those provided by creatures, doesn’t apply to the reach weapon wielding creature or character.

So essentially, there are no cover or firing-into-melee (cause you ain't firing anything) penalties when using a reach weapon to attack "through" a friendly creature.

Just thought that might be handy to know for any players running longspear-wielding kender.


I keep seeing the bookmark for this site in my browser and come here, hoping that it will magically have updated itself.

But for those of you needing D&D Q&A, hit up the Ask Wizards feature on the WotC site. It's not bad.