D&D Tip of the Day

Monday, August 22, 2005

Defending Against Spellcasters, Part VI

Wow, I've been stringing this out for a while. Let's try to wrap this one up.

6. While we've covered some of the most effective means of combating spellcasters, there are a few other tricks you can throw at them. Other environmental conditions can hamper spellcasting. Weather effects created by spells such as Gust of Wind can force a concentration check to cast successfully. Entangling the enemy with a Web spell, a net, or a tanglefoot bag will also force a difficult concentration check. While we're on the topic of spells, Silence can be a great weapon, but is foiled by the Still Spell feat (and for some reason only bards and clerics have access to the spell).

The best way to defeat an enemy spellcaster is with a decisive, preemptive strike. To quote Steven Brust, "No matter how subtle the wizard, a dagger between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his styel." In cases where this isn't possible, I've tried to give you a few extra options. Hope it keeps you alive for a few extra adventures.


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